Set in 1920s Toronto, the series follows the adventures of Frankie Drake (Lauren Lee Smith) and her partner Trudy Clarke (Chantel Riley) at Drake Private Detectives, the city’s only all-female detective agency, as they find themselves fighting crime in the age of flyboys, gangsters, rum-runners, and speakeasies.
Franke Drake Mysteries Season Three of Frankie Drake Mysteries delivers a slate of new adventures as the ladies of Drake Private Detectives take on more challenging cases and face off against some impressive foes.
Frankie and Trudy continue to rely on Mary and Flo, who are always ready to lend a hand snooping through police files or sneaking a peek at an autopsy report. Mary’s newfound confidence at the police station, and in life, leaves her frustrated with her status as a morality officer and pushes her towards exciting new professional goals. Meanwhile, Flo finishes her in-class portion of medical school and looks forward to her clinical training in-hospital, all while juggling a long-distance beau and the varied demands of Drake Detective cases. As Trudy’s love life with Bill Peters heats up, she also excels at her investigative work, taking on some truly hair-raising risks as she works to solve cases. And finally, Frankie continues to lead the team with aplomb and ingenuity, while exploring a romantic connection with boxer Moses Page.
From London, England with new mystery novelist friend Agatha Christie, to a mermaid-themed jazz club, and from swanky Toronto private schools to busy telephone exchanges filled with busybody operators, this season of Frankie Drake Mysteries promises a rousing good time.
Producer: Julie Lacey, Teresa M. Ho
Executive Producer: Christina Jennings, Emma Sparks, Scott Garvie, Peter Mitchell
Production Company: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); Shaftesbury
Production Year: 2020
Copyright Year: 2019
Rating: NR
Actors: Chantel Riley Rebecca, Lauren Lee Smith, Liddiard, Sharron Matthews
Writers: Andrew Burrows-Trotman, Cal Coons, Carol Hay, Jennifer Kassabian, John Callaghan, Karen Hill, Keri Ferencz, Ley Lukins
Number of Discs: 3
Length: 600 minutes
Subtitled: Y
Subtitle Languages: English (SDH)
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen