Set in 1920s Toronto, the series follows the adventures of Frankie Drake (Lauren Lee Smith) and her partner Trudy Clarke (Chantel Riley) at Drake Private Detectives, the city’s only all-female detective agency, as they find themselves fighting crime in the age of flyboys, gangsters, rum-runners, and speakeasies.
Frankie Drake Mysteries In 1920s Toronto, follow the city’s only female private detectives as they take on the cases the police don’t want to touch. In a time of change and hopefulness, their gender is their biggest advantage as they defy expectations and rebel against convention.
The Drake Private Detectives take on cases that explore every cross-section of Toronto, from gospel church choirs, bathing beauties, and the early cinema scene, to the homes and private parties of the city’s elite. Frankie (Lauren Lee Smith, The L Word) and Trudy’s (Chantel Riley, The Lion King) fearless sense of adventure gets them into all kinds of trouble, but they always manage to find a way out. They are new detectives for a new world – but is the world ready for them?
Producer: Jonathan Hackett
Executive Producer: Scott Garvie, Greg Phillips
Production Company: UKTV; Shaftesbury Films Inc.
Production Year: 2018
Copyright Year: 2017
Rating: TV-14
Actors: Chantel Riley, Lauren Lee Smith
Writers: Carol Hay, Michelle Ricci, Peter Stebbings, Ian Carpenter, Adriana Maggs
Number of Discs: 3
Length: 484 minutes
Subtitled: Y
Subtitle Languages: English (SDH)
Language Track: English
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen