Based on the book by Deborah Blum, The Poison Squad tells the story of government chemist Dr. Harvey Wiley, who took on powerful food manufacturers and their allies. Following Wiley’s unusual experiments and tireless advocacy, the film charts the path of the forgotten man who laid the groundwork for U.S. consumer protection laws, and ultimately the creation of the FDA.
American Experience: The Poison Squad By the close of the Industrial Revolution, the American food supply was tainted with frauds, fakes and legions of new and untested chemicals, dangerously threatening the health of consumers. Based on the book by Deborah Blum, The Poison Squad tells the story of government chemist Dr. Harvey Wiley who, determined to banish these dangerous substances from dinner tables, took on the powerful food manufacturers and their allies. Wiley embarked upon a series of bold and controversial trials on 12 human subjects who would become known as the "Poison Squad." Following Wiley’s unusual experiments and tireless advocacy, the film charts the path of the forgotten man who laid the groundwork for U.S. consumer protection laws, and ultimately the creation of the FDA.
Producer: John Maggio, Tom Denison, Dorin Razam-Grunfeld, Pavel Muller, Susan Bellows
Executive Producer: Mark Samels
Production Company: American Experience; Ark Media Productions
Production Year: 2019
Copyright Year: 2020
Rating: TV-PG
Director: John Maggio
Narrator: Corey Stoll
Writers: John Maggio
Number of Discs: 1
Length: 111 minutes
Subtitled: Y
Subtitle Languages: English (SDH)
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen
Why the AV version? Because it provides additional usage options for PBS videos. AV versions come with limited performance rights so they can be shown in classrooms, at PTA meetings, during after school programs, and transmitted on a closed-circuit system within a building or on a single campus. They also can be enjoyed in admission-free public screenings, which also makes them ideal for use by library patrons and businesses involved in community clubs and organizations.