Meticulously restored by producer-director Kevin Sullivan, these acclaimed film adaptations of Lucy Maud Montgomery's beloved books make a grand return to their original widescreen splendor. Starring Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst, Barbara Hershey, and Shirley MacLaine. This epic set includes Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story and Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning, a souvenir booklet, and tons of extras. 18 hrs, 8 DVDs.
Anne of Green Gables Boxed Set of 8 DVDs with Souvenir Booklet
Item #: XC1182
Meticulously restored by producer-director Kevin Sullivan, these acclaimed film adaptations of Lucy Maud Montgomery's beloved books make a grand return to their original widescreen splendor. Starring Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst, Barbara Hershey, and Shirley MacLaine. This epic set includes Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, Anne of Green Gables: The ...
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Highlighted Customer Reviews
Anne of Green Gables
Review by Linda review stating Anne of Green Gables
That PBS has shows from 1985 I think it amazing! It arrived at my boy friends house in Kansas so I can go from Maine to Ks and enjoy some popcorn and watch it He get PBS out of Tulsa and I receive it from Maine. SO thank you. Linda
Anne of Green Gables Boxed Set of 8 DVDs with Souvenir Booklet
Great DVD version of Anne
Review by Nina review stating Great DVD version of Anne
I love the DVDs. Though, the booklet inside is very difficult to read. The print is micro small.
Anne of Green Gables Boxed Set of 8 DVDs with Souvenir Booklet
Rare Collector's Item, Inspiring Story for All Ages
Review by Laura review stating Rare Collector's Item, Inspiring Story for All Ages
This dvd set is rare and hard to find. We only found it on PBS, and it's worth the price. The story and acting are first rate. Inspiring and touching story for all ages. Gives girls confidence to pursue their dreams, models good parenting and instills empathy, and offers a window into a simpler time in history. Tear jerking in a good way, watchable again and again. The picture and sound are good quality. We feel good supporting PBS with this gift.
Anne of Green Gables Boxed Set of 8 DVDs with Souvenir Booklet