Animated series, targeting ages 2-4, featuring the son of the original Daniel Tiger from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Little Daniel is a shy, but brave, 4-year-old tiger who lives in the beloved Neighborhood of Make-Believe, exploring the neighborhood and his school with his friends, viewing the ordinary as extraordinary. Episodes include - Daniel's Birthday/Daniel's Picnic, and Neighbor Day.
Daniel Tiger: Welcome to the Neighborhood
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood tells engaging stories about the life of a preschooler using musical strategies grounded in Fred Rogers' landmark social-emotional curriculum. Through imagination, creativity and music, Daniel and his friends learn the key social skills necessary for school and life.
Episodes include…
Daniel's Birthday - Daniel is excited to pick out a cake for his birthday party. After a bumpy ride on Trolley, Daniel is disappointed to find that his cake is smushed.
Daniel's Picnic - Daniel, Prince Wednesday and Miss Elaina are having a picnic. It starts to rain, and everything is ruined, leaving them very disappointed.
Neighbor Day - Daniel learns how good it feels to be neighborly and that one kind act can lead to many.
Production Year: 2013
Rating: TV-Y
Number of Discs: 1
Length: 56 minutes
Subtitled: Y
Subtitle Languages: English (SDH)
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen