Animated series, targeting ages 2-4 featuring the son of the original Daniel Tiger from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Little Daniel is a shy, but brave, 4-year-old tiger who lives in the beloved Neighborhood of Make-Believe, exploring the neighborhood and his school with his friends, viewing the ordinary as extraordinary.
Stories include…
It's Love Day! - Ugga Mugga! It's Love Day in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Daniel and all of his friends come up with their own special ways to show their love and care for one another. The kids dance, sing and tell jokes to say "I love you."
Daniel's Love Day Surprise - It's Love Day and Grandpere is coming to visit! How can Daniel find a way to show how much he loves Grandpere? With a treasure hunt, that's how! Daniel hides little hearts all over the house for Grandpere to find… that is, unless little Margaret finds them first!
Daniel and Miss Elaine Play Rocketship - Daniel has come to play with Miss Elaina today! They decide to play "outer space," but Miss Elaina gets upset when her cardboard telescope and spaceship accidentally break. Lady Elaine helps the friends see that they can still have fun together, even without the toys - because they're friends! They use their imaginations to keep playing, which is just as much fun!
Daniel Plays at the Castle - Daniel is visiting Prince Wednesday and the boys are excited to explore Prince Wednesday's rock collection. Daniel is saddened when Prince Wednesday tells him the rocks are too delicate to play with. Daniel and Prince Wednesday learn that friendship is about more than just playing with each other's toys - it's about being together!
Friends Help Each Other - Daniel spends the day at Katerina Kittycat's house. Katerina is excited to show Daniel a birthday tea-party she set up all by herself for her stuffed animals! Katerina accidentally knocks the tea set on the floor, and is very upset that she ruined the party. Luckily, Daniel is a helpful friend and they reassemble the party together.
Daniel Helps O Tell a Story - O the Owl wants to show Daniel all his books. The boys choose a very special book about dinosaurs, but they realize that the last page of the story is missing! O gets very flustered, but Daniel is a good friend and uses his imagination to make up the end of the story.
Margaret's First Chime Time - Today, the Tiger Family is taking Margaret to the Clock Factory for her very first "Chime Time!" As they travel to the Clock Factory, Daniel notices how other families in the Neighborhood spend time together.
Tiger Family Fun - Daniel and his family head to the Enchanted Garden, only to find Miss Elaina and her family doing one of their special family traditions: pick-your-own-dinner! The Tiger family joins in, and even add a few traditions of their own!
Producer: Sarah Wallendjack
Production Company: The Fred Rogers Company
Production Year: 2015
Copyright Year: 2015
Rating: TV-Y
Number of Discs: 1
Length: 112 minutes
Subtitled: Y
Subtitle Languages: English
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen