ABSOLUTELY DEAD ON, pure reality!!!
Review by Tom P. review stating ABSOLUTELY DEAD ON, pure reality!!!
I just completed watching this mirror of reality! Im a stones throw from 62, everything portrayed was so right on and right now! I spent 25 years working in computer support for a strong, AMERICAN manufacturing facility, located in America... I can identify so well with most of these great, hard working Americans who have aspired to place AMERICA number 1 in production, pride, and prosperity...only to see it all disappear right before our very eyes!!! To me, the biggest, single reason for the current struggle were all facing, is the, short-sighted, greed based, placement of MILLIONS of jobs outside the U.S. JOBS, steady, permanent, reasonable paying jobs, for the masses are the LIFEBLOOD of any free society. MANUFACTURING WAS, AND IS, THE KEY to sustaining Americas future. Now that weve thrown it all away, America and our standard of living, is crumbling and unraveling at an alarming pace. You can stimulate the economy temporarily, with temporary jobs and money, but PERMANENT JOBS have to come back!!!!!!! EXCELLENT DOCUMENTARY!!! Should be required viewing for President Obama, every congressman and senator,(A.S.A.P.) in mass, during their normal work sessions.
FRONTLINE: Close to Home DVD