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FRONTLINE: The Medicated Child DVD

Item #: WB4902
With over four million children now on behavior modifying medications, some starting as young as two years old, FRONTLINE continues its investigation into the controversial practice of medicating kids.  Are the drugs safe?  How young can you detect mental illness in a child?  Is medication really the answer?  As the debate grows more inte... ... More
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With over four million children now on behavior modifying medications, some starting as young as two years old, FRONTLINE continues its investigation into the controversial practice of medicating kids.  Are the drugs safe?  How young can you detect mental illness in a child?  Is medication really the answer?  As the debate grows more intense, FRONTLINE investigates the risks and benefits of prescription drugs for troubled children.

Teacher's Guide included. 

Producer: Marcela Gaviria, Will Cohen
Executive Producer: David Fanning
Production Year: 2008
Copyright Year: 2008
Rating: TV-G
Director: Marcela Gaviria
Narrator: Will Lyman
Writers: Marcela Gaviria
Number of Discs: 1
Length: 54 minutes
Language Track: English
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen

Highlighted Customer Reviews

De D. reviewed FRONTLINE: The Medicated Child DVD
5.0 star rating
parental education tool
Review by De D. review stating parental education tool
Reviewing this video with a parent considering medicating their child encourages many parents to search for equally affective alternative interventions.The parent becomes empowered to advocate for their child. This is an inspirational education. Price-less!
F2020 reviewed FRONTLINE: The Medicated Child DVD
5.0 star rating
Pediatricians Psychotropics= Band-Aid
Review by F2020 review stating Pediatricians Psychotropics= Band-Aid
The Can of Truth has finally been opened. I work in the child and adolecent mental health field and was absoutly astounded by this film. The facts are true as is the outcome. Our Family Practice providers should not have to prescribe or manage any psychotropic medicaitons. This very common practice reflects the shortage of mental health providers available to treat this population. Too many children need this level of speciality care yet the Psychiatrists treating this population have too many patients and not much time to assess, address, or offer creative alternative treatment options. The end result of this dysfunctional model has spilled over into the offices of our Pediatricians and Family Practice Providers. This is a disaster in the making; our children deserve and need the best quality care we can provide. Our Pediatrician should not have to spend time addressing major mental health issues just as she should not be forced to do some type of surgery on the patient. Pediatricians treating and prescribing medicaitons for mental health issues is putting a giant band-aid on this entire system. These same Pediatricians can help improve this journey by refusing to prescribe and treat mental health issues. We all can do a much better job of addressing this endless cycle. I am hopeful that the next documentary will dig deeper into this subject and explore why there is such a shortage of Child/Adolecent Psychiatrists. Is it the liaibility related to treating children needing psychotropic medications? Is the problem related to the very low rate of reimbursment these providers receive to take on this daungthing challenge? How involved are the drug companies with all of this and can they be part of the solution? The mystery continues.
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