A poignant film by Ken Burns portrays 200 years of Shaker life in America, guided by recollections of three surviving members and archival material. Explore every aspect of a strange, noble sect that produced some of the greatest architecture and furniture in U.S. history. This story of devotion, invention, ingenuity, simple crafts, and dance was filmed at existing Shaker locations, with music re-created from authentic songs.
Producer: Ken Burns, Amy Stechler Burns
Executive Producer: Ken Burns, Amy Stechler Burns
Production Company: WNET; Florentine Films
Production Year: 1991
Copyright Year: 1984
Rating: TV-G
Director: Amy Stechler Burns, Ken Burns
Narrator: David McCullough
Writers: Amy Stechler Burns, Wendy Tilghman, Tom Lewis
Number of Discs: 1
Length: 60 minutes
Audio Format: Stereo