Daphne du Maurier's tale of romance, suspense, and jealousy returns in a lavish Masterpiece Theatre production. Set in elegant Monte Carlo and brooding Cornwall, the film stars Charles Dance as Maxim de Winter and Emilia Fox as his new young bride. When they return to Manderley, the shadow of his first wife, Rebecca, and sinister housekeeper Mrs. Danvers (Diana Rigg) threaten the newcomer, who must unravel dark secrets of the past.
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Producer: Hilary Heath
Production Company: Portman, Carlton, and WGBH
Production Year: 2003
Copyright Year: 1997
Rating: TV-PG
Director: Jim O'Brien
Actors: Charles Dance, Diana Rigg, Emilia Fox, Faye Dunaway
Writers: Daphne du Maurier
Number of Discs: 1
Length: 180 minutes
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 4x3 Full Screen