NATURE: Jungle Animal Hospital In the day-to-day drama taking place at one of the world's wildest hospitals, a jungle veterinarian named Alejandro Morales, his zoologist girlfriend Anna Bryant, and their team of dedicated staff and volunteers take on dangerous and exciting challenges as they care for a cast of iconic endangered animals. In this vivid and compelling film, we follow the couple and their team through a year at ARCAS, a rescue center deep in the Guatemalan jungle, where on any given day they could be bottle-feeding a baby monkey, stitching up an injured rare potoo chick, or wrestling a crocodile. The jungle hospital is home to spider and howler monkeys, jaguars, armadillos, crocs, gray foxes, and a huge variety of colorful birds. Some animals arrive at the hospital lost and helpless - from malnourished baby parrots rescued from pet trade smugglers to baby monkeys in diapers, who all need mothering and care to teach them how to be wild until they can be released. Other creatures have been injured or saved from harm. Some stay for a month, others for a day, and some, sadly, never return to the forest at all. But every animal deserves a fighting chance to be wild.
Production Year: 2016
Discs: 1
Subtitles: Y
Subtitle Language: English
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen