Step inside the passionate, troubled lives of Juanita and Darrel Buschkoetter as they cling to family and farm. Part documentary, part love story, THE FARMER'S WIFE eloquently blends harsh American farm life with the bittersweet drama of modern marriage. Darrel labors for a bumper crop, while Juanita cleans houses and finishes college. Despite heavy obstacles, they rediscover the love that binds them together. A FRONTLINE production.
Why the AV version? Because it provides additional usage options for PBS videos. AV versions come with limited performance rights so they can be shown in classrooms, at PTA meetings, during after school programs, and transmitted on a closed-circuit system within a building or on a single campus. They also can be enjoyed in admission-free public screenings, which also makes them ideal for use by library patrons and businesses involved in community clubs and organizations.